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June 2023
Joan Alvarez
You're friends on Facebook
Lives in Concord, New Hampshire
Jun 2, 2023, 3:15 AM
Joan sent

Brian sent

hi Joan ❤❤
Joan sent
Hello how are you
Joan sent
Thanks for accepting

Brian sent

so far so good, but heading for the land of Nod soon. was just gettin up from my PC when I saw your friend request

Brian sent

why are you up at this ungodly hour? ❤❤❤

Brian sent

If you're a vampire, that's ok - I am❤
Jun 2, 2023, 4:04 AM
Joan sent
Joan sent
You are awake too
Joan sent
I stay up late though
Joan sent
I'm not a vampire so do not worry
Joan sent
Why are you up?

Brian sent

working on a few websites - wee hrs are the best time to get creative stuff done - no robocalls ruining my train of thought ❤❤

Brian sent

4:16am CDT 6/02
but now I AM gonna go crash out for awhile - hope to seeya on here again soon ❤
Jun 2, 2023, 5:26 AM
Joan sent
Joan sent
You can write me when you can
Joan sent
Tell me about you
Joan sent
Whenever you can
Jun 2, 2023, 11:31 AM

Brian sent

11:30am CDT 6/02
the best place to find out everything about me is http://brazda.com/ - in left column are links solely for my convenience. Center column has stuff about me - incl converted/edited 8mm films from my youth, 35mm photos from around the world, YouTube videos, etc. Right column has links for MY TV SHOWS and at the bottom are links to web sites I've worked on lately. Best viewed on a PC. ❤
Brazda Communications - Brian Brazda - 2023
Jun 2, 2023, 12:03 PM

Brian sent

oh there's a ton of stuff at https://www.facebook.com/brianbra/photos_albums including a pic of me wrapped in swaddling clothes and one of me about to blow out my 1st birthday candle ❤ a lotta videos up there too
Brian Brazda
Joan replied
Oh wow there is a lot to view here
Joan sent
Thanks for sharing
Jun 2, 2023, 3:33 PM

Brian sent

Jun 2, 2023, 10:31 PM
Joan sent
How are you?
Jun 3, 2023, 6:10 AM

Brian sent

You unsent a message

Brian sent

6:11 am CDT 6/03
My clock got reversed ❤❤❤ crashed out early and now up and going. Oh, I'm easy to find on Google as well - there's only one of me - I have no middle name and am in IL. There's a Brian Robert Brazda in Franklin, MI and Brian J Brazda in Houston, TX. oh, there MAY be another pure BB in FL in the music biz, but haven't been able to find out if he has a middle name. I'm single, never married, no human kids - just 2 ❤❤ Saw on CBS news y'all are getting crazy weather up there in your neck of the woods. So now your turn - tell me more about you. Only things I know so far are you're separated and "YOU GOT THIS". oh, and Old Man of the Mountain "died" in 2003 ❤ (unsent & resent cuz timestamp was off)
Jun 3, 2023, 11:20 AM
Joan sent
I'm from Utah but lives in Tampa Florida
Jun 3, 2023, 4:21 PM

Brian sent

4:21pm CDT 6/03
oh ok, I looked you up on FB and it sez Concord, NH - so never mind my comments about weather and the Old Man ❤❤❤
Jun 4, 2023, 3:22 AM
Joan replied
Yeah I need to edit the info
Joan sent

Joan sent
How are you
Joan sent
What you doing
Jun 4, 2023, 8:37 PM
Joan sent
Joan sent
Are you busy ?
Joan sent
I guess yes
Joan sent
How is your day going
Joan sent
Checking on you
Jun 6, 2023, 11:36 PM
Joan sent
Joan sent
You stopped talking
Jun 7, 2023, 3:37 AM
Joan sent
Are you okay?

Brian sent

3:51am CDT 6/07
yep - all is well here ❤ haven't been on Messenger much - really busy on my PC lately. Several projects going on, not much time for social media. Latest one combines footage of me up in a P-40 Warhawk with an old movie about my boyhood hero Col. Robert Lee Scott - see http://OldExterminator.com/P40-flymeup1-CS6-DV-360x240-1M-2023-06-06.mp4 still a lot left to do...

Brian sent

more details at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1796391152594&type=3
Brian Brazda added 21 new photos.
Jun 7, 2023, 4:07 AM

Brian sent

I had a hand-held cam aboard with me and luckily I had Christy Leigh Bolta running my Sony HXR-NX5U HD camera on a tripod. She got some GREAT shots of us taking off, flying overhead, landing, etc.
Joan replied

Brian sent

and I'm still waiting to hear a lot more about you - haven't heard many details. l realize it's tough typing on the itty-bitty phone keyboard, but you know so much about me - not fair!!! ❤❤❤
Joan replied
Joan sent
I told you
Joan sent
Maybe because you had more to say
Joan sent
Tell me what part of me you wanna know
Joan sent
I will enlighten you on that

Brian sent

oh I dunno - anything - everything- I already know "you got this" - what is "this"? favorite food? movies? music? hobbies? what you do when you're not on FB or Messenger? ❤
Jun 9, 2023, 12:40 PM
Joan sent
I love to see movies
Joan sent
Yeah all kinds of movies
Joan sent
And I love it indoors
Jun 9, 2023, 1:48 PM

Brian sent

Jun 9, 2023, 2:05 PM
Joan sent
Joan sent
How is your day going
Jun 10, 2023, 10:46 PM
Joan sent
Joan sent
How are you

Brian sent

good so far - coupla nagging projects finished - how you doing?
Jun 11, 2023, 2:31 PM
Joan replied
I'm good thanks
Jun 16, 2023, 1:46 AM
Joan sent
Hi ❤
Joan sent
How are you sweetie
Jun 18, 2023, 12:33 AM
Joan sent

Jun 18, 2023, 11:19 AM

Brian sent

11:19am CDT 6/18
Hi Joan - just woke up. how you doing baby?
Jun 18, 2023, 11:35 AM
Joan sent
I'm good thank you
Joan sent
How are you?
Joan sent
Do you have WhatsApp❤

Brian sent

still a little groggy ❤ no - I'm on a PC, not a phone - hate the itsy-bitsy "keyboard" - too hard to "type" on with my fat fingers. and then there's the teensy-weensy screen size besides ❤❤❤
Jun 18, 2023, 1:07 PM
Joan replied
Lol okay
Joan sent
May I see your fat fingers

Brian sent

ok will take a pic later of my fingers comparing my phone "keyboard" to real PC keyboard ❤❤❤ Something I couldn't do with a phone, so will use a real camera ❤❤
Jun 18, 2023, 5:25 PM
Joan sent
Lol that's quite funny

Brian sent

just took pics - am in photoshop now, so in a coupla mins you will see ❤❤❤
Joan sent
Joan sent
Do not edit the pictures
Joan sent
Just send them the way they look

Brian sent

just a little color correction

Brian sent

this one just cropped, otherwise as is

Brian sent

Joan sent
Joan sent
Funny but yeah they are big and beautiful
Joan sent
It's true it's fits for PC

Brian sent

❤❤❤ imagine how hard it is to read phone screen by comparison

Brian sent

Brian sent

and can't even imagine how it would be possible to do multimedia work on a phone, but some do...

Brian sent

on the phone i hafta type with my fingertips - and make a LOT of mistakes hitting 2 "keys" at the same time. sometimes I try using tip of fingernails, but usu doesn't work very well
Jun 18, 2023, 6:05 PM
Joan replied
Lol I feel you
Joan replied
Yeah but I think in all pc is way better
Joan replied
Exactly that's the struggle whenever I have my nails done

Brian sent

Joan sent
I can barely type without having errors
Joan sent
I hope your day is going fine

Brian sent

yep so far - watching the US Open (golf) at L.A. Country Club
Joan sent
Joan sent
What time do you have dinner

Brian sent

oh i dunno - when i get get around to it - usually late. for breakfast I have a protein drink and one of these

Brian sent

Brian sent

been doing that since mid 1950s ❤❤ it was Franco American before Campbell's bought them
Joan sent
You make them
Joan sent
Or you meant you like to eat them

Brian sent

confused - please elucidate - the sgetti or protein drink?
Joan sent
Okay sorry
Joan sent
It's a protein drink
Joan sent
Now I get it
Joan sent

Brian sent

I used to get chocolate flavored Boost from Sam's Club, but they quit stocking it and now have their own brand. I drink 2 a day, sometimes more.

Brian sent

The sgetti I usu eat right out the can - much more convenient. If I make for dinner, I'll sprinkle a can of tuna on top, add several slabs of Aldi imitation Velveeta, and coupla spoonfuls of hot giardiniera. Nuke the bowl, stir, and done. Kitties get the tuna water I drain from the can.
Jun 19, 2023, 1:14 AM
Joan replied
Joan sent
Sound like you cook
Joan sent
And maybe a very good cook
Jun 27, 2023, 8:35 AM
Joan sent
Hi Brian
Joan sent
How are you
Jun 30, 2023, 4:55 PM

Brian sent

Hi Joan sorry I haven't got back to you sooner. Not on social media much - too much to do. working on putting audio into a movie my college roommate made 50+ yrs ago.

Brian sent

see http://demiseandpunishment.transgalaxy.com/
Demise And Punishment

Brian sent

yeah I love to cook - used to use my wok a LOT. not so much any more, but am a master at making yummy stuff from cans ❤❤❤
Jun 30, 2023, 10:17 PM
Joan replied
From cans lol okay not bad
Joan sent
At least you can look after yourself
Joan sent
Hope to meet you someday
Joan sent
Won't be bad to have a taste of one of your cooking